Do I Know You Better Than You Know Yourself? You may think you know yourself better than anybody. . .but is that true. . .? PASSED= I know more. FAILED= You know more. CuteQuizzez published on August 21, 2012 Stacked 1/12 Can you say "apples" with your ongue sticking out? YES! No. Er, dis is retardo. <_< 2/12 Did you check to see if you could, and looked stupid? Yes. ._. No. Pff. What are you talking about? I'm not that stupid. . .Pff. . .O_O *sigh* 3/12 Are you making this face: " -_- " ? Nope. I was smiling. . . Maybe. O_e That face looks bored. And I'm entirely interested. ^_^ 4/12 Are you know crinkling your eyebrows? No. Yup. Who gives you permission to know 'bout my eyebrows? XD 5/12 Are you thinking about exiting out of this quiz because you're getting frusterated? I'm thinkin' 'bout it. O_e No. I like dis quiz. :D Yup. -_- 6/12 Do you think this is anything other than stupid or funny? Yes. -_- IT'S BEYOND ANNOYING! Nope. It's stupid AND funny. ^o^ Hmph ._. Ask me again in five minutes. 7/12 Is my hair color brown? No. Yes. Kind of. 8/12 You didn't notice that the last question was about MEH not you, did you? Nope. -_- It's depressing. XD Yeah. . .of course I did. . . O_e *scoff* I'm getting seriously, EFFIN' ANNOYED right now! >.> 9/12 You didn't point out that tongue was spelt "ongue" on question Number 2, did you? OK, hold up, stalker! How did you know that? O_e Yes, I did. You know, there comes a time when the limit of how much you know about a stranger like me becomes kind of. . .hmmm. . .how do I say it. . .Creepy. O_e 10/12 You noticed that it was actually question number ONE that I misspelled tongue, didn't you? Yup, I did. No. . .Honestly, it's emberassing. -.- I thought it was a mistake YOU made. . .*Oh, boy, did you get that wrong, sweetheart. O_e CuteQwizzez doesn't mke mistakes.* XDDDD 11/12 You're probably thinking I'm as irritating as poop right now, aren't you? You read my mind. -_- No, you're a very nice, amazing, beautiful, unbelievably, best-pie-maker-eva, knows-how-to-ride-a-bike-down-stairs type of person I've ever met!!! ... I was kind of thinkin' that the whole time. <_< 12/12 You didn't notice I went up to 12 questions, did you? Pff. . duh. . .I did. . .O_e I'M GOING TO &*^$#%&*&@ ^&$% KILL YOU! No, I didn't. . .