help the animals! you where an ordinary person until your 16th birthday when youre uncle asked if you would help him find some animals to sell at his petshop... kellygirl2 published on August 15, 2012 Stacked 1/5 a man comes in claiming he owns a kitten you found yesterday should you give it straight away... no i dont know... yes its his 2/5 your uncle doesnt know what this is... what is it Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 3/5 what two things should you do to a rabbit. Hint: 2 choices treat it like a baby keep it alone feed it keep it 4/5 what shouldnt you do too animals? asks your uncle.what do you say... feed it clean after it keep it in a cage 5/5 a husky is in a cage,hurt,wounded ,sad its in a bar being thrown about by lads ,a barman picks the cage up and asks you do you know how to look after it? Type answer. Hint: 3 characters