How Much Do You Know About HIV/AIDS? This quiz is trying to find out how much you know about HIVS/AID. It contains mostly true or false questions and some multiple choice. PHASE published on August 09, 2012 Stacked 1/10 If not treated, HIV leads to AIDS. True False 2/10 Having another STI increases someones risk becoming infected with HIV. True False 3/10 If you have unprotected sex with someone who has AIDS, you will contract AIDS. True False 4/10 HIV can be transmitted through Oral, Anal, and Vaginal sex. True False 5/10 What system in your body does HIV damage? Skeletal System Immune System Cardiovascular System 6/10 HIV is curable. True False 7/10 HIV can be passed through tears, saliva, sweat, and urine. True False 8/10 How long after "risky behavior" should you get tested for HIV? 6 months 3 weeks Right after the "risky behavior" 9/10 Young people under the age of 18 need parents permission to get an HIV test. True False 10/10 People can have HIV for many years without feeling sick and may not even know they are infected, but still can pass the virus to others. True False