Monster Hunter Stories Egg Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about the eggs in Monster Hunter Stories! anonymous-user-2aJWiM published on December 09, 2022 Stacked 1/7 What Genus does this Egg's pattern belong to? Herbivore (e.g. Aptonoth) Bird Wyvern (e.g. Velocidrome/Yian Kut-Ku) Flying Wyvern (e.g. Rathalos/Tigrex) 2/7 What Genus does this Egg's pattern belong to? Fanged Beast (e.g. Bulldrome/Arzuros) Brute Wyvern (e.g. Deviljho) Fanged Wyvern (e.g. Zinogre) 3/7 What Genus does this Egg's pattern belong to? Leviathan (e.g. Royal Ludroth) Amphibian (e.g. Zamtrios) Herbivore (e.g. Aptonoth) 4/7 How many color variations can Eggs have for each monster? 3! 5! 4! 6! 5/7 How many Eggs can you store in the Stables at one time? 34! 12! 15! 23! 6/7 Which of these Eggs belong to Brute Wyverns? Hint: 2 choices Barroth Egg Black Diablos Egg Kecha Wacha Egg Uragaan Egg 7/7 Which of these Monsters don't lay Eggs? (Can't be chased back to their dens) Hint: 2 choices Cephadrome Daimyo Hermitaur Nerscylla Zamtrios Slagtoth