Black ops zombies, by neonicat77 check out my friend lone_wolf84248 on youtube! tell me how my first quiz was. Also check out Hulkeagle K on youtube neonicat77 published on August 08, 2016 Stacked 1/18 1. easyname the four main characters misty - Nikolai - nero - peter Nikolai - Richtofen - Tank Dempsey - Takeo Nikolai - Jessica - Jackie - maxis 2/18 2. easy what map features bows Der eisendrache The gaint Gorod krovi Shadows of evil 3/18 3. easywhat does Nikolai 1.0 love drinking bug juice Beer Vodka wine 4/18 4. medium what is the blood hound on shadows of evil pack a punched called? mustang and sally kt-4 Blood wolf Meat weapon 5/18 5. easyon Black ops 3 what do you collect in order to get gobblegums souls XP liquid divinium Gold coins 6/18 6. medium what city does shadows of evil take place in holly wood morg city kings row city 7/18 7. medium / easywhat replace monkeys on shadows of evil lil arnies shadow apes nothing squids 8/18 8. hardwhat is the name of the upgraded void bow wrath of the ancients kreegakaleet lu gosata' ahm masumoon kreema laitn mur' 9/18 9. hard what army did Takeo fight in emperers army imperial army convoy army 10/18 10. easy what are the four staffs elements in origins fire void wolf lightning water air ground void ice wind fire lightning spike fire mind magic 11/18 11. mediumclick ALL perks possible to get on the gaint Hint: 7 choices stamin up juggernog widows wine quick revive vulture aid electric cherry dead shot daiquiri speed cola double tap Mule kick Banana colada 12/18 12. easywhat map had witches buried call of the dead zetsubou no shima five 13/18 13. easywich map has been remade moon the giant kino der toten origins 14/18 14. medium whats richtofens first name Edward Jackie Gavin phillup 15/18 15. easy what map did you need to build a plane die rise Mob of the dead tranzit moon 16/18 16. medium click all the female zombie characters there are Hint: 3 choices molly jessica sailor misty sarah Riley kat 17/18 17. medium how many maps are there in bo 1,2,3 23 20 18 25 18/18 18. hard what is the name of samanthas dog Type answer. Hint: 6 characters