How Well Do You Know PewDiePie? Test your knowledge on the Youtube Star PewDiePie! See how well you can score and see if you are a true bro :) Brofist published on August 04, 2012 Stacked 1/10 How old is PewDiePie? 18 28 21 24 2/10 What is PewDiePie's real first name? Joeseph Felix Ralph Grant 3/10 What country is PewDiePie from? United States Sweden Norway England 4/10 What does the pig corpse in Amnsia always say? I'm ready! I'm pumped! Hows it goin'? I'm a frog! 5/10 What is PewDiePie's dog's name? Rex CutiePie Maya Mary 6/10 What game does PewDie tend to play the most? Amnesia Slender Cry of Fear Barbie Girl 7/10 What is PewDiePie's favorite Happy Wheels character? Irresponsible Dad Segway Guy Santa Claus Wheelchair guy 8/10 What does PewDiePie call the miniature statue in Amnesia? Stephano Gonzalo Sebastion Felix 9/10 What does PewDiePie call his subscribers? Bros Friends Strangers Ponies 10/10 What is PewDiePie's girlfriend's name? Mary Marzia Lola Samantha