How well do you know me? (12) Take this quiz and see how well you think you know me, scored quiz. Have fun :) shelby.parzych published on July 30, 2012 Stacked 1/20 What's one thing I would give up to keep this one special thing in my life? My horse My job My car My house My family All of the above None of the above Everything I have/own 2/20 What date is my birthday on? January 10th February 12th March 25th April 28th May 13th June 17th July 5th August 3rd September 13th October 7th November 6th December 29th 3/20 Who's my favorite music artist? Nicki Minaj Beyonce Rihanna Demi Lavato 4/20 What's the answer to this question? Unicorn Marshmallow Chocolate Pony Dirt Wilderness 5/20 What is my favorite color? White Pink Black Yellow Green Blue Gray Rainbow Brown 6/20 What's my middle name? Katherine Katharine Catherine Catharine Cathyrine 7/20 What's my all time favorite movie? Titanic Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Oliver and Company Short Circuit Harry Potter (any movie) Zombieland John Q Swing Kids Malcolm X Jarhead 8/20 How many animals do I have? (Pick 3) Hint: 3 choices 4 dogs 5 cats 1 horse 1 dog 1 cat 1 rat 4 birds 9/20 Who's the two people I trust with anything? (Pick 2... obviously) Hint: 2 choices Jennifer Josh Chris Mitch Jessica Rebecca Kyle Ashley 10/20 What's one thing you really like about me? The answer you put in is going to be wrong.. But I want to still hear what you like most about me :) Type answer. Hint: 2 characters 11/20 What's something I like to do for fun? Hint: 2 choices Ride ATV's Ride dirt bikes Ride horses Ride in cars Ride on camels None of the above, I'm boring 12/20 Who am I? Shelby Catherine Shelby Parzych Shelby Catherine Parzych 13/20 What is my horse' s name? Sassy Ruby Jake Charmer Ellie Envy 14/20 Did you like my quiz about me? Yes No 15/20 What did I do this weekend? (Pick 4) Hint: 4 choices Went swimming Went camping Hung out with friends Texted someone Played volleyball Did nothing all weekend Slept 16/20 Am I a? Playstation 3 person Nintendo Wii person Nintendo DS person Computer gaming person Playstation 2 person Xbox 360 person 17/20 What am I? Male Female 18/20 Which of these TV shows are my favorites? (Pick 3) Hint: 3 choices Family Guy 24 Two and a Half Men Futurama Tosh.O Spongebob Squarepants Glee South Park 16 and Pregnant 30 Rock 19/20 Which 2 are my favorite bands? Hint: 2 choices Linkin Park Evanescence Trapt Avenged Sevenfold Disturbed 20/20 How many horses do I work with? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7