Spanish Vocabulary For tommorows Quiz :P BriOwn published on September 30, 2010 Stacked 1/31 Skating Nadar Patinar Bailar 2/31 Caminar Walking Swimming Sing 3/31 Riding Your Bike Monter en biciclenta Ir al cine Escuchare musica 4/31 Play Video Games Estar con familia Jugar vide juegos Usar el cumputadora 5/31 Correr Cooking Walking Running 6/31 Nadar Draw Swimming Skiing 7/31 Ir Al Cine Go shopping To go to the movies Whatching a movie 8/31 Practicar Deportes Practicing Sports Whatching a movie Be with family 9/31 Ver Una Pelicula Whatching a movie To go to the movies Go to concert 10/31 Escuchar Musica Play video games Go to concert Listening to music 11/31 Ir Un Concierto Listening to music Go to the concert To go to the movies 12/31 Ir De Compras Watching T.V. Take photos Go shopping 13/31 Cacinar Swimming Dancing Cooking 14/31 Ver La Television Using the computer Practicing sports watching T.V. 15/31 Estar Con Familia Be with family Play video games Draw 16/31 Jugar A Las Cartas Play video games Playing cards Take photos 17/31 Cantar Draw Fishing Sing 18/31 Bailar Dance Draw Running 19/31 Sacar Fotos Using the computer Take photos Swimming 20/31 Dibujar Walk Dance Draw 21/31 Que te gusta hacer? Type answer. Hint: 22 characters 22/31 Usar La Computadora Play Video Games Using the computer Take Photos 23/31 No me gusta ni... ni... Type answer. Hint: 25 characters 24/31 Leer La Revistas Riding Your Bike Practicing Sports Reading 25/31 Salir Con Los Jovenes Skateboarding Hanging out with friends To go to the movies 26/31 Me gusta... Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 27/31 Whis Two Are Masculen Hint: 2 choices La Los El Las 28/31 Esquiar Skiing Running Walking 29/31 Montar En Monotoputin Skateboarding Cooking Swimming 30/31 Ir De Pesca Dance Sing Fishing 31/31 Which Two Are Feminine Hint: 2 choices La Los El Las