Things that you don't know about WATER! find incredible things about water tiara published on March 05, 2010 Stacked 1/10 How much of the Earth's surface is covered by water? under 50% 50%-60% 60%-70% 70%-80% over 80% 2/10 Which of the following states the water cannot take? solid liquid gas plasma 3/10 Water is composed from: Hint: 2 choices Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Helium 4/10 How much of the human body can be water? under 30% 30% - 50% 50%-80% over 80% the human body do not contain water 5/10 What is the freezing temperature of salted water? 3 °C 0 °C -1.9 °C -5 °C it never freeze 6/10 ... is the change of the physical state of aggregation of watter from gaseous phase into liquid phase Evaporation Condensation deposition 7/10 Can water be found in outer space? Yes No 8/10 A kilogram of water is ... to the mass of water liter? heavier equal lighter 9/10 How long could you live without water? One or two days about a week a month 10/10 Water contracts (gets smaller) when it freezes true false