How well do u kno liam payne? the test sees how well u kno LIAM PAYNE! so take the quiz, c if ya know him, and BABAAM! ;) Enjoy! singer4eva published on July 14, 2012 Stacked 1/7 His fave color is...? Green Blu Orange Purple Yellow 2/7 He wants 2 name his first kid...? Ryan Peyton Taylor Alex Pat 3/7 If he had 2 eat the band members of 1D, he'd eat ___ first. Fill in the blanks. Himself Zayn Niall Louis Harry 4/7 The strangest rumor he haz heard bout himself is that he...? waz dead waz engaged he waz in a fight with harry no rumors bout him 5/7 If he waz a disney character he'd b...? Cinderella Buzz Light Year Mickey Mouse Winnie the Poo Woody 6/7 If he could save 1 thing in a fire what would it b? his mom his dad his sibling his girlfriend louis tomlinson 7/7 One when sleep walkin, he...? Farted Burped Sneezed Wet himself he doesnt sleep walk.