are you smart? (1) are you smart or not. see how many of these hard questions that you get. TeamFoxface published on July 14, 2012 Stacked 1/8 what is 36*40 Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 2/8 what goes around the world but but stays in the corner? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 3/8 what does it mean to have ZEMMIPHOBIA? to be afraid of carrots to be afraid of food to be afraid of the giant mole rat to be afraid of animals 4/8 what is 27*18? 624 468 362 486 5/8 what is a RANARIUM? a frog farm a chicken farm a tiger farm a lion farm 6/8 what does HYLOPHOBIA mean? fear of water fear of forests fear of cupcakes fear of air 7/8 what can you catch but not throw? Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 8/8 what goes up and down the stairs without moving? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters