guess master guess master is an 3rd optional way of answering a question. it is very easy. magenovice published on January 30, 2016 Stacked 1/10 which is the fastest thing in the universe sound arjun light 2/10 Who is the father of discoveries Thomas edison Albert einsten Archimedes 3/10 Which of them is not a classical dance? Kathak Garba bharatanatyam 4/10 How many hours is IST ahead of Greenwich Mean Time? 5.5 hours 4.5 hours 5 hours 5/10 Which is the world smallest country Vatican city maldives nicobar 6/10 how many constellations are there in space? 88 74 46 7/10 The gateway of india is in Mumbai Delhi Chennai 8/10 With Steve jobs, who was the founder of apple? Tim cook Ronal wayne Applo jobs 9/10 When was jana-gana-mana first sung 1947 1911 1950 10/10 Which is the capital of Uttar pradesh Allabhad Lucknow Varanasi