Do you really know One Direction If your a true directioner You really know one direction and you stalk them everyday gylemahomie published on June 24, 2012 Stacked 1/10 Who shouted IM A BIG FAT IDIOT Louis Harry Niall 2/10 We Directioners use this not LMFAO NOT LOL LNL LLN HEHE 3/10 What's the nickname of the rapping pizza man? Nickname Andy Mr. Rapper 4/10 Who straighten his hair in x-factor? Liam Harry Niall 5/10 Who knows how to beatbox? Liam Harry Louis 6/10 Who's the mother of Baby Lux? Hint: 2 choices Lou Tisdale Alex Atkin None of the above 7/10 How many R's are there 0 6 5 8 8/10 Who are the three pretty girlfriends of Liam,Louis and Zayn? Alex, Hannah and dani Dani, El and Perrie 9/10 Brilliam, Extraordinharry, Phenominiall, Amazayn, Fabulouis and AWESOME 1Derful COOL 10/10 Who is the imaginary friend of Niall? Mike Michael Lou