Apple Quiz How well do you know apple? Take this quiz to find out! Mac,Steve Jobs,Everything philip published on June 23, 2012 Stacked 1/9 What is the most expensive mac? Macbook Mac mini Mac pro 2/9 In what colors do apple phones come in? black and white pink and blue red and yellow 3/9 What is the guy who invented apple called? Hint: 1 choice Steve Jobs Bill Gates 4/9 What is the apple phone called? Hint: 1 choice iPhone ePhone aPhone 5/9 What letter does apple begin most of there products? Hint: 1 choice i e a 6/9 What is the apple tablet called? ipad apple table epad 7/9 Whats the thin laptop called? Imac Macbook Pro Macbook Air 8/9 What is the cheapest Mac? Macbook Mac mini Macbook pro 9/9 Whats the apple music player called? apple music player ipod epod