r u a ture directioner one direction rocks 10 Qs about them love them how bout you take this quiz to find out harryhoran123 published on June 21, 2012 Stacked 1/10 what # did they call to say the r's 911 611 511 111 411 857 381 2/10 how many songs on there up all night reg. cd are there 13 15 14 3/10 it feels like we've been living in fast fwd. not a moment passing by but its now or never nobodys going home to night up all night Type answer. Hint: 30 characters 4/10 what non teen magazine did the whole mag one direction time people instyle 5/10 who said the r's niall liam louis 6/10 what day did the reg cd come out at target and other stores Hint: 2 choices March 12 April 6th May 13 March 13 March 21 7/10 wich boy is part irish niall louis harry zayn liam 8/10 how many r's r there what r u talking about 4 5 8 10 3 6 none 9 1 9/10 what day did the movie come out march 29th may 28th may 29th 10/10 what name with the r's terrr terrrrrr werrrrrr tarrrr yerrrr