Pathophysiology Practice Test (1) >>>>>>>>>>>>.Heart Failure>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Single Choice<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< shema published on June 20, 2012 Stacked 1/20 which diseas results in pressur overload of right ventricle? pulmonary regurgitation pulmonary stenosis tricuspid regurgitation mitral stenosis 2/20 the character of concentric hypertrophy is? the numers of myocardial cells increase sarcomere increased in series sarcomere increased in parallel increased of the myocardial cell length 3/20 which is wrong about the describe of myocardial hypertrophy? myocardial size increased in myocardial hypertrophy total contractility of heart increase myocardial hypertrophy may prevent the happen of heart failure myocardial hypertrophy may present in chronic heart failure 4/20 which diseas leads to concentric hypertrophy of left ventricle? pulmonary hypertension aortic stenosis aortic regurgitation mitral regurgitation 5/20 blood volume is increased in chronic heart failure due to? pulmonary congestion increased of CVP redistribution of blood water and sodium retention and increased of RBC 6/20 which compensatroy mechanism won't happen in acute heart failure? increased of heart rate myocardium hypertrophy increased activity of sympathetic nervous system redistribution of blood 7/20 mitral regurgitation results in? evident left ventricular chamber dilation evident increased thickness of left ventricular wall the sarcomere increase in parallel evident increase of myocardial cellular diameter 8/20 Congestion heart failure refers to? chronic heart failure in which the blood volume and intestitial fluids is increased heart failure that characterized as ventricle dilated heart failure that characterized as blood pressure decreased heart failure that characterized as pulmonary congestion and edema 9/20 which is better to access the myocardial contractility decreased? decreased of blood pressure decreased of cardiac output increased of heart rate pulmonary congestion and edema 10/20 which diseas results in volume overload of left ventricle? aortic stenosis aortic regurgitation hypertension tricuspid regurgitation 11/20 the character of eccentric hypertrophy is? the numers of myocardial cells increase sarcomere increased in series sarcomere increased in parallel increased of the myocardial cell length 12/20 the most common manifestation of left heart failure is? hepatic congestion dyspnea ascites edema of lower limb 13/20 aortic stenosis leads to left ventricular? pressure overload volume overload chamber dilation evident increase of myocardial cellular length 14/20 which is the cause of myocardial failure? hypertension aortic regurgitation aortic stenosis myocardial infarction 15/20 aortic regurgitation results in? volume overload of the left ventricle volume overload of the right ventricle pressure overload of the right ventricle pressure overload of the left ventricle 16/20 which disease results in cardiogenic shock often? mitral regurgitation aortic regurgitation hypertension acute myocardial infarction 17/20 the major mechanism resulting in heart failure in patient with myocardial infarction is? myocardial structure injury disorders in utilization of energy disorders in liberation of energy dysfucntion of excitation contraction coupling 18/20 the major mechanism of pulmonary edema results from acute left heart failure is? high cardiac output and increased pulmonary blood perfusion increased permeability of pulmonary capillary increased hydrostatic pressure of pulmonary capillary decreased plasma osmotic pressure 19/20 the disease that may leads to high cardiac output heart failure is? severe anemia coronary heart disease cardiomyopathy mitral stenosis 20/20 eccentric hypertrophy of myocardium is manily results from? water and sodium retention increased of blood volume volume overload for a long time pressure overload for a long time