Pathophysiology Practice test >>>>>>>>>>>>Respiratory Failure<<<<<<<<<<<<< ......................Single Choice................................... shema published on June 20, 2012 Stacked 1/15 which disease may lead to restrictive hypoventilation? paralysis of glottis poliomyelitis tumor in trachea chronic obstructive pulmonary disease edema of glottis 2/15 sedative agents overdosed lead to depressed of respiratory center and blood gases may altered? PaO2↓, no altered for PaCO2 PaO2↓, PaCO2↓ PaO2↓, PaCO2↑ no altered for PaO2,PaCO2↑ 3/15 pulmonary consolidation result in? functional shunt true shunt (V/Q) ↑ wasted ventilation 4/15 which of following may result in functional shunt? embolism of pulmonary artery ↓ pressure of pulmonary artery pulmonary edema contraction of pulmonary arteriole 5/15 respiratory failure always refer to? severe dysfunction of internal respiration severe dysfunction of external respiration dysfunction of elimination of CO2 disorder of hemoglobin for transport gases 6/15 oxygen therapy for type II respiratory failure is? low concentration in nasal tube and slowly flow high concentration in nasal tube and slowly flow low concentration in nasal tube and quickly flow high concentration in nasal tube and quickly flow 7/15 dead space-like ventilation refer to? hypoventilation in some alveolar ↓ ( V/Q) in part alveolar right-to-left shunt ↑ (V/Q) in part alveolar 8/15 ventilation disorder lead to? PaO2↓, no altered for PaCO2 PaO2↓, PaCO2↓ PaO2↓, PaCO2↑ no altered for PaO2,PaCO2↑ 9/15 which is the cause of respiratory failure? anemia pneumonia metheoglobinemia cyanide intoxication 10/15 the most common cause of chronic respiratory failure is? infection of upper respiratory tract chronic obstructive pulmonary disease embolism of pulmonary arery overdoes of sedatives or anestetic agents 11/15 chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases may lead to? inspiratory dyspnea hyperventilation of alveolar expiratory dyspnea dead spece like ventilation 12/15 thype II respiratory failure is diagnosed by? PaO2 < 50 mmHg(6.67 kPa),PaCO2 > 60mmHg(8 kPa) PaO2 < 60 mmHg(8 kPa),PaCO2 > 50mmHg(6.67 kPa) PaO2 < 50 mmHg(6.67 kPa),PaCO2 > 40mmHg(5.33 kPa) PaO2 < 70 mmHg(8 kPa),PaCO2 > 40mmHg(5.33 kPa) 13/15 obstructive may be due to? ↓ pulmonary compliance alveolar ventilation perfusion mismatch restrictive of alveolar distend peripheral airway stenosis 14/15 pulmonary hypertension always secondly to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease because? pulmonary arteriole constriction ↑ of cardiac output PaCO2 ↓ formed of microthrombus ↑ of blood volume 15/15 the difference between functional shunt and true shunt is? PaO2 ↓ PaCO2 is normal PaO2 may not ↓ difficult to improve PaO2 by ure oxygen inspired no help to improve PaO2 and PaCO2 by the therapy of ↑ ventilation