PATHOPHYSIOLOGY PRACTICE TEST Coagulation Anticogaulation Disturbance and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) multiple choice shema published on June 19, 2012 Stacked 1/12 which does relate with a bleeding of DIC? blood coagulation substances consumed activation of fibrinolytic system a large amount of FDP is formed microvascular damages and its permeability increase by the microthrombus 2/12 the impairment of mononuclear phagocytes system is a predisposing factor of DIC, because the impairment of mononuclear phagocytes system may? Hint: 2 choices make the damage of cascular endothelia severely promoting production of coagulation factors decrease clearnce ability of the coagulation initiators decrease clearance ability of the activating coagulation factors 3/12 which factors belong to the predisposing factors of DIC? Hint: 2 choices hypercoagulable state obstetrc accidents serious disorder of microcirculation a large amount of FDP is formed 4/12 the major direct reason of caused shock by an acute DIC are? Hint: 3 choices the amount of blood return↓ by obstruction of widespread microthrombosis the effective blood volume↓ by severe bleeding the substances of vessel dilation↑ in DIC pathological process a great consumed of blood coagulation factors 5/12 in an acute DIC the major reason of caused bleeding are? Hint: 2 choices progressing increase of the coagulation factors severe lack of vitamin K microvascular damage severe in DIC pathological process production of a great FDP 6/12 in acute DIC the effects of FDP are? Hint: 2 choices activating fibrinolytic system promoting hemolytic anemia promoting microvessel dilation inhibiting activiting of blood coagulation 7/12 the hypercoagulable state takes place in? Hint: 2 choices the impairment of monunclear phagocytes system the activate stage of fibrinolytic system the serious alkalosis the terminal stage of a preganancy 8/12 in acute DIC the effect of the activated fibrinolytic system is? Hint: 3 choices activate intrinsic pathway of coabulation degraded microthrombus inhibiting activity of blood coagualtion degraded some coagulation factors 9/12 in severe intravascular hemolysis DIC can be produced by releasing? Hint: 2 choices a large amount of III factor a large amount of ADP a large amount of RBC membranous phosphatides a large amount of platelet factors 10/12 amniotic fluid embolism may cause a acute DIC because in amniotic fluid there are? Hint: 2 choices a lot of granule substances a lot of coagulation inhibitors a large amount of tissue factor a lot of microthromb 11/12 the common diseases of caused DIC are? Hint: 3 choices autonimmune disease obsterc accidents serious infections severe trauma 12/12 what is the decreased reason of coagulation factors in acute DIC? Hint: 2 choices the blood coagulation factors is consumed severely the effect of activated secondary fibrinolytic system the effect of FDP the effect of hemolytic anemia