Do You Know Me? BY LILLIAN M Do you even know me at all? This is as basic as the quiz can get! if you FAIL you are a FAILER. AllyssaLP published on March 23, 2020 Stacked 1/10 How do you pronounce my name? LILY-IN LILY-ANN LILY-YAHN 2/10 What is my natural hair color? Hint: 2 choices blonde reddish dark brown dark chocolate dirty blonde 3/10 how many siblings do I have? ( DO NOT SPELL) Type answer. Hint: 1 character 4/10 Do i have a doggy yesssssss noooo sirrrrr 5/10 if i could live anywhere, where would it be? florida hawaii south carolina california 6/10 What was my favorite family vacation that i have been on? Hint: 3 choices FLORIDA (the first time) South Carolina florida ( THE SECOND TIME) CALIFORNIA 7/10 DO I LIKE surprizes lily likes being surprized as long as you dont tell her there is going to be a surprize lily LOVES surprizes even if you tell her their is going to be a surprize lily cant stand surprizes no matter what! 8/10 if money was no objec, what would lily do all day? go corona shopping travel the world 9/10 is lily clean or messy a clean FREAK Somewhere in the MIDDLE she is a SLOB 10/10 which spanish is spelled corectly? Hint: 4 choices hola como estas bien yo tu muibien