Language Arts Exam LITERARY Terms Tests all the literary terms for the Language Arts exam! You can fail so...Good luck :) Jcarve published on June 17, 2012 Stacked 1/9 Imagery refers to language that appeals to the senses, particularly visual and _____ imagery. kinetic sensory auditory 2/9 Setting is the time, place, and ______ of a story. circumstance conflict scene 3/9 Name this term: _____ is the words of a conversation between two or more people. Dialect Spoken word Dialogue 4/9 Check all the boxes that apply for the definition of conflict. Hint: 5 choices Struggle between opposing forces in a story. Without it there would be no story. There are four basic forms of conflict. External conflict, Interpersonal conflict, and Internal conflict are all forms of conflict. External conflict is the struggle between a character and the outside world. Interpersonal conflict is the struggle between characters. 5/9 Name this term:_____ is the way a language is spoken in a particular place, region, or time period. *Use all caps for your answer.* Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 6/9 Theme is: The general statement of the meaning of the story. Not the plot. All of the above. 7/9 What is climax? Turning point of the story/plot. Conflict between characters, building of suspense, and all other plot elements come to a point at the ____. Stories with ... Plan, action or main story of a short story, novel, play, etc. Involves conflict or opposition. 8/9 What is narrative? Check all answers that apply to the definition: Hint: 4 choices Any piece writing, other than drama, that tells a story. Any piece of writing that tells a story, excluding prose. Narrative has two categories: first person and third person. First person is when the narrator is one of the characters in the story and refers to himself/herself as "I". The advantage of third person narrative is he/she can tell us things that happen where no on else was there to see what was going on. A third person narrator refers to himself/herself occasionally. 9/9 Check the correct box:What are the two types of third-person narrative? omniscient and all-seeing omniscient and limited all-seeing and passive