How smart are you? (1) Answer these few simple questions to see how smart you are. If you fail, you're dumb. The end. idellaiskool published on June 09, 2012 Stacked 1/10 If the green man lives in the green house and the purple man lives in the purple house, who lives in the white house? Type answer. Hint: 13 characters 2/10 The animal below is a Thylacine. When did this animal go extinct? 1937 1939 1920 2003 1876 3/10 Select the following animals that are NOT real. Hint: 4 choices Bobble-headed Catfish Blob Fish Aye-Aye Platypus Sloth Bear Rat-Mouse Sea Hag Double Headed Spider Choking Snake 4/10 What animal is this? Ground Squirrel Gopher Rat Mouse 5/10 Explain why the villagers hated Lamia. She killed the villagers She destroyed their crops She turned the people to stone She ate babies They didn't hate her, she was good to them. 6/10 What are the "children of the Wendigo"? The Wendigo is an old, mythological creature, it has no children. Mosquitoes Little monsters that come and tear you up while you sleep. Your children. 7/10 In what year did the burrowing owl go extinct? 2011 2006 2009 1988 It's endangered, but not extinct. 8/10 What is a Satyr? The guy in Narnia A planet A stone None of the Above 9/10 What is another name for a Hippocampus? Hippocampi Water horse Whale horse Swimming pony 10/10 What breed of dog is this? Hint: 2 choices Pug Bulldog Chihuahua It's a cat