do you really know your super natrul come here and see if you really know sam and dean maddiepaddie20 published on August 23, 2010 Stacked 1/8 who broke the last seal sam ruby dean bella 2/8 wicth 2 people are the main characters in supernatrul Hint: 2 choices dean castiel sam lucifer 3/8 why did castiel want to kill anna because she was a witch she was and angel that lost her grace she was a demen because castiel was a demen 4/8 how did the siren hyponotize dean bye drinking out of the same bottle bye toching each other bye making love bye drinking his blood 5/8 how did sam come back to life talking to an angel bye magic bye dean making a dealfo him to go to hell and and sam come back to life castiel thought he should get a second chance 6/8 how did dean get out of hell sam prayed he fell a demen pulled him out castiel pulled him out 7/8 what was dean's consquence from getting out of hell he could never walk again a big handprint on his shoulder he could see everyone else but sam he could never use his arms again 8/8 what kind of monster liked non happy endings a old man a demend a shap shifter a witch