Rajesh Kootherpooli How Much Do You Know About The Big Bang Theory's Indian Dude? OR HOW HE'S BETTER KNOWN RAJ!! mikamocha published on May 04, 2012 Stacked 1/7 Where did Raj first live? Morocco China India 2/7 What illness makes Raj not be able to talk to women? He has a fear of all women? he has selective mutism? He doesn't know any women? 3/7 Is rajesh Koothrappai cool? Hint: 2 choices Yes No Of course!!!! HELL YEAH HE IS!!!!! 4/7 Does Raj have a PhD? Yes No 5/7 What is Rajesh's middle name? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 6/7 What social group does Raj fit in to? Nerds Punks Goth 7/7 Who is Raj's best friend? Sheldon Leonard Howard