Developmental theory Revision questions for debates, methodology and the history of developmental psychology Holitha published on May 03, 2012 Stacked 1/13 Bandura's social learning theory argued we learn from interactions with the environment and through observation. True or false? True False 2/13 Select all the options where the era is next to the correct date: Hint: 4 choices Reformation - 6th Century Ethological - 16th Century Medieval - 6th-15th Century Reformation - 17th and 18th Century Enlightenment - 17th and 18th Century Theory of evolution - 20th Century Ethological - 20th Century Theory of evolution - 19th Century 3/13 What was the main Puritan belief of the Reformation era? Children were not just 'mini-adults' Original sin - children were born evil Human evolution was similar to child development 4/13 What was Watson's behaviourism was centred around? Operant conditioning Classical conditioning Social conditioning 5/13 In the Medieval era, children were protected and the law was lenient on them. True or false? True False 6/13 Tabula Rasa means... Original sin Child care Blank slate 7/13 What is the main weakness of correlational research? It cannot establish a cause and effect relationship It can suffer from experimenter bias It requires huge amounts of time and money 8/13 What was Skinner's behaviourism centred around? Operant conditioning Classical conditioning Social conditioning 9/13 Jean-jaques Rousseau believed in... Nature and genetics Innate goodness Imprinting 10/13 What does the micro-genetic method involve? A combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal methods Testing an individual for a specific gene defect Using repeated testing to examine how a specific ability develops over time 11/13 'As an infant we think in the same ways as adults, but develop in complexity over time' - this is an example of... Discontinuous development Continuous development Normative development Stability 12/13 Which of these is the correct order of Freud's psycho-sexual stages? Phallic, Oral, Anal, Genital, Latency Genital, Oral, Phallic, Anal, Latency Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital 13/13 Observing the behaviours of children in their own environment is an example of... Structured observation A self-report technique Cross-sequential research Naturalistic observation