

Revision questions for: Attention; Memory, Retrieval & Forgetting; And Amnesia

published on April 30, 2012

Vargha-Khadem et al. (1997) found:

The episodic memory is associated
with the hippocampus, whilst the
underlying cortices, are related to
semantic memories.
Evidence of amnesiacs with impaired
episodic memory, but intact
semantic memory
Evidence of amnesiacs with impaired
semantic memory, but intact
episodic memory

What does consolidation theory claim?

The more similarities between
learning and retrieval, the better
recall will be.
Information which is rehearsed is
immediately stored in LTM
Consolidation refers to the process
of transferring memories to LTM,
and can take years.

What is distributed learning?

Learning one new thing every day is
better than learning several things
at once
Spacing out learning of a single task
over time improves long term ability

Broadbent (1958) proposed 'Late Selection Theory'. True or False?


Which studies found evidence fore distributed learning?

Hint: 3 choices
Roediger and Karpicke (2006)
Pashler et al. (2005)
Lorge (1930)
Cain and Whiley (1939)
Keppel (1964 and 1967)

Verfaellie, Koseff and Alexander (2000) found:

The episodic memory is associated
with the hippocampus, whilst the
underlying cortices, are related to
semantic memories.
Evidence of amnesiacs with impaired
episodic memory, but intact
semantic memory
Evidence of amnesiacs with impaired
semantic memory, but intact
episodic memory

Gray and Wedderburn (1960) provide support for Broadbent (1958). True or False?


Yasuda, Watanabe and Ono (1997) found:

The episodic memory is associated
with the hippocampus, whilst the
underlying cortices, are related to
semantic memories.
Evidence of amnesiacs with impaired
episodic memory, but intact
semantic memory
Evidence of amnesiacs with impaired
semantic memory, but intact
episodic memory

Godden and Baddely (1975) conducted research into context reinstatement. True or False?


Tick the statements which are true

Hint: 2 choices
Proactive interference is when old
information interferes with the
learning of new information
Proactive interference is when
learning new information interferes
with previously learnt information
Retroactive interference is when
old information interferes with the
learning of new information
Retroactive interference is when
learning new information interferes
with previously learnt information

Forgetting (in terms of the savings method) can be described as an approximately logarithmic function. True or False?


Which of these describes anterograde amnesia?

Inability to recall events that
occurred before the onset of amnesia.
Inability to store new events since
the onset of amnesia in the LTM
Reduced digit span capability

Which of these statements influenced/support consolidation theory

Hint: 3 choices
Of 2 memories of the same strength,
the older one will decay slower
(Jost's law 1987)
Forgetting takes less time
immediately after learning
Forgotten memories are repressed by
our subconscious
Retrograde amnesia has more effect on
newer memories

Recent research by Lavie (2005) concluded...

Broadbent is correct
Treisman is correct
Deutsch and Deutsch are correct
More than one theory may be correct

Which of these studies provide evidence for a separate long term and short term memory store.

Hint: 3 choices
The case study of HM (Henry Molaison)
Bruce and Pihl (1997)
The case study of KC - Tulving (2006)
Spiers, Maguire and Burgess (2001)
The case study of KF - Shallice and
Warrington (1970)