catching fire a sequal quiz to hunger games a quiz about the second book of the trilogy createzquiz published on April 20, 2012 Stacked 1/10 katniss kills wiress Hint: 1 choice true false 2/10 what is maysielee's weapon Hint: 1 choice knife sword blow darts 3/10 how does the 75th hunger games end Hint: 1 choice with katniss winning with katniss blowing up the areana with peeta winning 4/10 what does katniss wear to her interview Hint: 1 choice a wedding dress that transforms into a mocking jay a wedding dress that transforms into a jabberjay a wedding dress 5/10 who are the tributes from district 4 Hint: 1 choice finnick and hags finnick and mags gimmick and mags 6/10 katniss wants to ally with what tributes Hint: 1 choice wiress and beetee the careers no one 7/10 how did haymitch win his hunger games Hint: 1 choice with an axe by using a force field with blow darts 8/10 what is a quater quell its a special hunger games that happens every 25 years an capitol dessert somthing that happens every 2 years 9/10 how old is katniss when she goes into her second games Hint: 1 choice 18 16 17 10/10 which games did haymitch win ( just number ) Type answer. Hint: 2 characters