Harry Potter Quiz (4) Here is a quiz of the books 1-7 of the Harry Potter series and they will ask questions which will lead up to your final score of the quiz. EpicSmiley100 published on April 14, 2012 Stacked 1/10 What did Harry use to kill the Basilisk in the second book? A Sword A Fang A Wand 2/10 What animal healed Harry in the second book? Crookshanks Norbert Fawkes 3/10 How much points is a snitch in a game of Quidditch? 150 200 50 4/10 Who was on the back of Quirrell's face in the first book? Sirius Black Lord Voldemort Draco Malfoy 5/10 What position did Harry play in Quiddith? Chaser Beater Seeker 6/10 What did Harry recieve from the Weasley's for Christmas? A Chocolate Frog A Book A Sweater 7/10 What house did the Sorting Hat almost put Harry in? Slytherin Hufflepuff Ravenclaw 8/10 What type of broom did Harry get from Sirius Black? Nimbus 2000 Nimbus 2001 Firebolt 9/10 Who kills Dobby? Peter Pettigrew Bellatrix Lord Voldemort 10/10 What color is unicorn blood? Silver Orange Pink