Himachal Pradesh All about Himachal Pradesh All about Himachal Pradesh All about Himachal Pradesh All about Himachal Pradesh khachi published on August 05, 2016 Stacked 1/6 Shimla is a District Fruit Vegetable Furniture 2/6 Kinnaur is a part of the state of Himachal Pradesh Madhya Pradesh Uttrakhand Punjab 3/6 Himachal became state on 15th April 1948 None of the above 15th August 1947 25th January 1971 4/6 Himachal Pradesh is in the country of Sri Lanka Bangladesh Uttar Pradesh India 5/6 Himachal is in the territory of Country Town Home State 6/6 Name of Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh is Virbhadra Singh Prem Kumar Dhumal Shanta Kumar Ram Lal Thakur