Test Your Knowledge on Fiscal Policy (1)

Take this quiz to see how well you understand fiscal policy and its impact on the economy.

published on August 06, 2024

What is fiscal policy?

What is fiscal policy?
Government's use of taxing and spending to influence the economy
Private sector's regulation of financial markets
International trade agreements
Monetary policy implemented by central banks

What is the goal of expansionary fiscal policy?

What is the goal of expansionary fiscal policy?
Stimulate economic growth and reduce unemployment
Control inflation
Increase interest rates
Promote currency devaluation

Which of the following is an example of expansionary fiscal policy?

Which of the following is an example of expansionary fiscal policy?
Increasing government spending on public projects
Raising taxes on consumers
Reducing government subsidies
Decreasing public sector employment

What is the opposite of expansionary fiscal policy?

Contractionary fiscal policy
Monetary policy
Free trade agreement
Inflation targeting

What does a budget deficit indicate?

What does a budget deficit indicate?
Government spending exceeding revenue
Government running a surplus
Balanced budget
Lower taxes

Which of the following can be a tool of fiscal policy?

Tax cuts
Quantitative easing
Asset purchases by central banks
Interest rate adjustments

What is the purpose of automatic stabilizers in fiscal policy?

What is the purpose of automatic stabilizers in fiscal policy?
To offset fluctuations in economic activity without policy changes
To intervene in international trade disputes
To regulate the stock market
To discourage savings

During a recession, which fiscal policy is typically used?

Expansionary fiscal policy
Contractionary fiscal policy
Neutral fiscal policy
Isolationist fiscal policy

What impact can fiscal policy have on income distribution?

What impact can fiscal policy have on income distribution?
Redistribute income through tax and spending policies
Increase income inequality
Decrease overall GDP
Stimulate consumer spending

Which government body is responsible for fiscal policy implementation?

Which government body is responsible for fiscal policy implementation?
Treasury department or finance ministry
Central bank
World Bank
International Monetary Fund

What is the importance of fiscal policy in managing economic cycles?

Stabilizing the economy during boom and bust periods
Influencing exchange rates
Regulating corporate mergers
Encouraging foreign direct investment