Test Your Cybersecurity Knowledge!

Test Your Cybersecurity Knowledge!

This quiz will test your understanding of cybersecurity concepts and best practices. See how much you know about keeping your digital information safe.

published on May 04, 2024

What is a common method used by hackers to gain access to sensitive information?

Social Engineering

What is a strong password?

What is a strong password?
At least 12 characters long with a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters
Easy to remember, like 'password123'
A single word in all lowercase letters
Identical to your username

What is malware?

A type of hardware used in cybersecurity
An antivirus software
Malicious software designed to harm or disable computers
Secure messaging app

What is the purpose of a VPN?

Social networking
Encrypting internet connection and protecting online privacy
Video streaming
Cloud storage

What does SSL stand for in terms of internet security?

What does SSL stand for in terms of internet security?
Secure Sockets Layer
System Security Language
Secure Software Layer
System Server Load

What does two-factor authentication require for access?

What does two-factor authentication require for access?
Something you know and something you have
Biometric scan only
Simple username and password
Access code sent via email only

What is the best practice for protecting data on public Wi-Fi?

What is the best practice for protecting data on public Wi-Fi?
Disable firewall
Use a VPN
Share personal information freely
Use the same password for all accounts

Which of the following is an example of a social engineering attack?

Which of the following is an example of a social engineering attack?
Installing antivirus software
Updating device operating system
Impersonating a legitimate company to obtain sensitive information
Backing up data regularly

What is the purpose of regular software updates in terms of cybersecurity?

Increase memory usage
Patch security vulnerabilities and improve performance
Slow down the device
Reduce storage capacity

What type of cybersecurity threat involves criminals demanding a payment to restore access to data or systems?

What type of cybersecurity threat involves criminals demanding a payment to restore access to data or systems?
Denial of Service attack

What is a common mistake people make that compromises their cybersecurity?

What is a common mistake people make that compromises their cybersecurity?
Enabling two-factor authentication
Updating software regularly
Using the same password for multiple accounts
Avoiding public Wi-Fi networks