Do you really know me? (11) hey im testing out if people that know me can get 100% so what ever score you get comment it so i can see SydJoan published on November 03, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What color eyes do i have Blue Green Brown Blue-grey Hazel 2/10 How old am i? 15 13 9 18 3/10 How many pets do i have? 7 2 6 1 4/10 How many siblings do i have? 9 5 None 1 3 5/10 What is my fave genre of music? pop rock classical regae 6/10 What color is my hair? Blonde Brown Dark brown Carmel Red 7/10 What month is my birth month? January July November September 8/10 What is my fave candy? Grape blow pop Skittles M&M's Gummy worms Fun dip 9/10 What are my hobbies? Hint: 3 choices Gymnastics Painting Dance Cheer Soccer 10/10 What is my cats name? Fluffy Skylor Smokey Sniffles