how much do you know about warrior cats answer the questions and test you nowlege (soz ment knowlege lol) about warrior cats mollymoomoo published on April 04, 2012 Stacked 1/5 what is the name of jayfeather, hollyleaf and lionblaze's mother Type answer. Hint: 8 characters 2/5 who is bluestars mother moonflower mousewisker whitestorm 3/5 what are the names of daisy's first litter Hint: 3 choices berrykit pebblekit stormkit greykit mousekit snowkit flowerkit firekit ravenkit hazelkit toadkit wiskerkit whitekit 4/5 how is sqirrleflight and lefpool's fathers name Type answer. Hint: 8 characters 5/5 how is sqirrleflight and lefpool's mothers name Type answer. Hint: 9 characters