Poverty and Wealth Multiple choice quiz on Poverty and Wealth for GCSE Religious Studies. HelloPerson published on March 18, 2012 Stacked 1/12 Complete he quote:"Without justice and love,... will always be the great illusion" Equality Happiness Wealth Peace 2/12 Which is NOT a Christian charity concerned with development and relief work, as well as campaigning to finding long term solutions to poverty and suffering around the world? UNICEF RED CROSS CHRISTIAN AID CAFOD 3/12 What percentage of the worlds population use 86% of the world’s resources. 15% 20% 10% 25% 4/12 Term for the poorer nations of the world who have 20% of the world's wealth but 75% of its population is: LCEDs SECOND WORLD LEC LEDCs 5/12 How many people live in absolute poverty? 1 billion 100 million 10 million 100 thousand 6/12 Which is NOT a Bible teaching on money/wealth? It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven Money is the root of all evil A man who has 2 cloaks should share with him who has none The love of money is the root of all evil 7/12 When was Christian Aid set up? 1948 1937 1957 1983 8/12 Which type of the following jobs may Christian disagree with? Working as a social worker Making or selling weapons Working as a teacher Working as a doctor 9/12 Where did this quote come from?"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." Exodus 20:17 Mark 12:30-31 Luke 18:25 Matthew 25:35-36 10/12 Which Christian parable teaches “feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty…etc? GOOD SAMARITAN PRODIGAL SON SHEEP AND GOATS RICH MAN AND DIVES 11/12 What does CAFOD stand for? Catholic Agency For Overseas Development Catholic Fund for Overseas Development Christian Agency For Overseas Development Christian Fund for Overseas Development 12/12 What is the missing word?The parable of the Rich ... in Luke 12 tells us to make sure we pile up our riches in heaven, not on earth – that we should not be concerned by material things Fool Man Lord Taxman