are you smarter than a 5 grader are you dummer or smarter than a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or even a tenth grader take this simple quiz to findout.! are you? Quincy.Myles published on March 15, 2012 Stacked 1/7 who is the 1 president george washington abe lincoln gorge bush andrew jackson john f kennedy 2/7 what is the legal age 21 18 16 it depends i dont know 3/7 how did george washington die natural causes sore throught shot in war disease of some sort 4/7 what is a butter churn an tool used to make butter a tool used to churn butter a tool used in the 1800's 5/7 what is a johnny cake a cakester bought at gasstation pioneer food cake made of fried cornmeal hoecake both a and b both a b and c all of the above 6/7 how do you have sex its always different fuck hard and nice excuse me 7/7 who is ann frank a holocaust survivor a halaucaust victim and survivor neither