Commandment 2-You shall have no other gods besides Me Commandment 2-You shall have no other gods besides Me. A quiz about this commandment and what it entails gmfriend published on February 27, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Does idolatry exist in the modern world? Yes, it can include an obsession with celebs,money,clothes etc. No, people no longer pray to statues In some religions but not in Judaism 2/5 Why doesn't G-d destroy all idols Himself? There are too many to destroy Some people worship nature or other people, which He created They don't really work 3/5 Who was the 1st man to realise idol worship is wrong Moshe Avraham Adam 4/5 Why is it wrong to even own a statue of G-d? (choose 2) Hint: 2 choices It isn't, I dont intend to pray to it Because you may become tempted to pray to it There shouldn't even be anything with a physical likeness to G-d 5/5 How can not giving tzedaka be seen as idolatry? Hint: 1 choice It can't, tzedaka is a totally different mitzvah It's also a sin It shows an obsession with money