How well do you know the Hunger Games? Oh how awesome were all the books if you read them all.Is'nt this so fun. larrystylinson4eva published on February 21, 2012 Stacked 1/7 What animal was Katniss in books 2 and 3. Mockingjay Jabberjay Trackerjacker 2/7 Who offered Katniss some sugar cubes in Catching Fire? Johanna Wiress Finnick 3/7 Wich answer [In order] the names of the songs in books 1-3? Rue's lullaby, Hunger games death, and Weeping willow Rue's Lullaby, Mary had a little lamb, and Sleeping Tree Rue's lullaby, hickory dickory dock,and Hanging Tree 4/7 Who dressed up as a Tree in Catching Fire? Johanna Haymitch Peeta 5/7 Who did Katniss end up being with in the Mockingjay? Peeta Gale Neither 6/7 What kind of rain was in the 75th Hunger Games Regular rain Tearain Bloodrain 7/7 How many songs were sung in books 1-3? Two songs Three songs Five songs