how much do you know? a ten question quiz about me, see how much you know. this will be simple questions, not very hard. Jess.Parkinson312 published on January 31, 2012 Stacked 1/10 1) Who do i consider to be my little sister? Megan Onashi Kirsty 2/10 2) if i was at Hogwarts, Which house would i want to be in? Gryffindor Ravenclaw Slytherin Hufflepuff 3/10 3) Two book series' i write fan-fiction for? Harry Potter and Inheritance Skulduggery Pleasant and Inheritance Harry Potter and Skulduggery Pleasant 4/10 4) If i could have a wild animal as a pet it would be a...? Tiger Panther or a Wolf Kraken 5/10 5) My Best-Friends? Kirsty, Megan and Onashi Kirsty, Megan and Kyle Suhur, Alisha and Jake 6/10 6) My favorite Harry Potter character? Harry Potter Neville Longbottom Draco Malfoy 7/10 7) I have two pets, what are their names? Molly and Ash Clarabelle and George Buster and Storm 8/10 8) i once had a dog named after a type of weather, what was it called? Sun Snow Storm 9/10 9) My favorite colours? Red and Black Purple and Silver yellow and blue 10/10 10) What instrument do i play? Guitar Keyboard violin