how well do you know Jackson!? so you think you know me? well think again. lets see how well you really know me. jsonn1 published on January 31, 2012 Stacked 1/12 my best friend is called.. sam anakristen breezi hunter all of the above 2/12 favorite move of all time harry potter pirates of the carribean lord of the rings 3/12 what is my favorite t.v show vampire diaries pawn shop jersey shore 4/12 What is my 2nd middle name. phillip adam joseph 5/12 what is my twin sisters name. maggie shyanne madison 6/12 my favorite person in the whole wide world is demi lovato haedyn and scarlett Haylee NINA!! my babies and girlfriend 7/12 name of my school CPA gpa hogwarts 8/12 What are my younger siblings named? Alec and maggie maggie and alex magaret and alexander alex and magaret 9/12 where do i live currently nashville franklin memphis 10/12 my favorite food chips pizza chocolate 11/12 When is haedyns birthday? january 19 november 23 november 28 12/12 How old am i? 20 18 19 50 29384