Dinosaurs (1) Do you know about the dinosaurs? Discover deeper information through the quiz written by the 4th grade D! Make the test to find out and try to discover their characteristics! taynacouto published on September 14, 2018 Stacked 1/8 When did the dinosaurs exist? Choose the correct answer! They existed 1 year ago. They existed 400 years ago. They existed 65 million years ago. 2/8 Which ones below are names of dinosaurs? Hint: 3 choices Pteranodon Alossaurus T-Rex Rattlesnake 3/8 What Pteranodons did not eat? Carcass Fish Plants 4/8 Which dinosaur had a long neck? T-Rex Braciosaurus Allosaurus 5/8 Why were the dinosaurs exctint? BECAUSE OF A TSUNAMI. BECAUSE A METEOR FELL ON THE EARTH. 6/8 IS the T-rex bigger than the Pteranodon? Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 7/8 What is the most ferocious type of dinosaur? Ppteranodon Duckbilled T- rex 8/8 Which dinosaur is a herbivore? Pteranodon T-Rex Allossaurus