How much do you know about the Eeveelutions? You'll just have to find out. Muahaha! Good luck with that yo x3 I am sure you'll pass, because Eevee is one of the most POPULAR Pokemon out there ;D Stanleywatehing published on October 06, 2017 Stacked 1/5 (EXCLUDING EEVEE) How many Eevees are there? (2017, we have reached Sylveon, no more right now. If there are others released right now, please be aware this may be from the past) 8! 9! 10! 11! 2/5 How many letters are there in the name of the Water-Type Eeveelution? Type answer. Hint: 1 character 3/5 What are/is the original Eevee(s)?(Select any amount) Hint: 4 choices Jolteon Vaporeon Flareon Eevee Umbreon Espeon Glaceon Leafeon Sylveon 4/5 What is Leafeon's base defense stat? 130 110 90 200 5/5 What is the Ice-Type Eevee called? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters