Getting Connected with IoT Dive into the world of the Internet of Things (IoT) with this quiz. Discover how interconnected devices are revolutionizing the digital landscape. delya90 published on November 18, 2024 Stacked 1/15 What is an IoT gateway? A portable music player An advanced digital calculator A bridge between devices and the cloud A type of wireless keyboard 2/15 Which of these sensors is often used in IoT for motion detection? Barometer Accelerometer Multimeter Thermometer 3/15 What is essential for IoT devices to function properly? Manual Configuration Stable Internet Connection Analog Interface High Voltage Input 4/15 Which IoT application involves smart thermostats? Healthcare Management Industrial Automation Home Automation Agricultural Management 5/15 In IoT, what does RFID stand for? Remote File Integration Random Fire Increment Rapid Frequency Initiation Radio Frequency Identification 6/15 Which of the following is NOT a benefit of IoT? Real-time Monitoring Offline Data Processing Efficient Energy Usage Automated Home Management 7/15 Which technology is crucial for IoT device location tracking? GPS HDTV DLNA XML 8/15 What is the main purpose of IoT? Only play music and media Support offline storage solutions Primarily enhance smartphone performance Connect devices for data exchange 9/15 Which sector widely uses IoT for inventory management? Legal Film Industry Publishing Retail 10/15 What is a common concern associated with IoT? Data Privacy Increased Document Printing High Altitude Travel Inhibition Lag in Live Soccer Broadcasts 11/15 Which of the following is an example of an IoT device? Smart Refrigerator Classic Television Traditional Desktop Computer Basic Radio 12/15 What network is commonly used by IoT devices? Wi-Fi Traditional Postal Service Telegraph Signals AM Radio Waves 13/15 What is fog computing? Advanced AI algorithm Cloud computing alternative Decentralized computing in IoT A weather phenomenon 14/15 What does IoT stand for? Interface of Things Internet of Technology Internet of Things Internet of Tools 15/15 Which protocol is often used in IoT for lightweight communication? LDAP POP3 MQTT FTP