How well do you know DanTDM? (1) Test your knowlege on the great TDM!WARNING!If you do not like DanTDM do not do this quiz! TheBestMiner published on March 15, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Does Dan have siblings? Yes! No. 2/10 Is Dan's hair blue? Maybe. :( Yes! Uh,uh. 3/10 What are some of the more wolfs? Mooshroom Wolf Beach Wolf Snow Wof 4/10 Does Dan like cake? Proboly. YES! Umnmmmmm....... 5/10 Am I a super fan?Oh say DEFANETLY!!!!!!!!!! DEFANETLY YOU LISTEN TO ME!!!!No Maybe.Look double up!! 6/10 Does Dan have 1 pug or 2? 1 2 7/10 What is the golem Dan made in the begining of the Villager Clothes Mod? Stone Netherrack Lava 8/10 What is Dans favorite minecraft dog? (From more wolfs mod.) Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 9/10 Does Dan like pancakes? Who dosent?YEAH! No. 10/10 Dan is best buds with... Criag,Dr.Tryouras,Grim Criag,Grim Dr.Tryouras,Grim