this is not hard just guess! just guess all the answers! youll never just know them! pwned :))))))))) puppies published on January 04, 2012 Stacked 1/5 pwned you pwned you pwned you ha! ok... you pwned me... huh what is that meant to mean?????? 2/5 :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P cool.... your happy! why did you type in the elipsis key and a capital p???? 3/5 im sad. :( nice to know that! so what? who really cares?! 4/5 DANCEKIRBYDANCEKIRBYDANCEKIRBYDANCEDANCEDANCE! shut up! my names not kirby! ;( HOW RANDOM R U?????? 5/5 how random did you think this quiz was? Hint: 2 choices very random! not very random! very random number 2!