Religion Mrs. Evko's 3rd period religion class chapter 4 the church vocab (only some) Moduerr published on December 06, 2011 Stacked 1/8 Dogma The apostles and their successors, the college of bishops, to whom Christ gave the authority to teach sanctify, and rule the Church in his name. The revelaed teachings of Christ proclaimed by the fullest extent of the exercise of the authority of the Church's Magisterium The name given the assembly of the people God has called together from the ends of the earth 2/8 Unity of the Church The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby it is undidided in itself and yet distant from other things an attribute of God and the Church describing complete separation from the sphere of the profane journey to a sacred place undertaken as an act of religious devotion 3/8 holiness the forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with God an attribute of God and the Church describing complete separation from the sphere of the profane one sent by God to form the people of the Old Covenant in the hope of salvation 4/8 Pilgrimage the name given to the assembly of the people God has called together from ends of the earth journey to a sacred place undertaken as an act of religious devotion The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby it is undividided in itself and yet distant from other things 5/8 Pope successor of St. Peter; Bishop of Rome; Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church The revelaed teachings of Christ proclaimed by the fullest extent of the exercise of the authority of the Church's Magisterium The apostles and their successors, the college of bishops, to whom Christ gave the authority to teach, sanctify, and rule the Church in his name 6/8 Salvation an attribute of God and the Church describing complete separation from the sphere of the profane journey to a sacred place undertaken as an act of religious devotion The forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with God 7/8 Hierarchy successor of St. Peter; Bishop of Rome; Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church One sent by God to form the people of the Old Covenant in the hope of salvation The apostles and their successors, the college of bishops, to whom Christ gave the authority to teach, sanctify, and rule the Church in his name 8/8 Church The forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with God The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby it is undidided in itself and yet distant from other things The name given to the assembly of the people God has called together from the ends of the earth