How Well Do YOU Know the Amur Tiger? This quiz will tell you just how much you know about tigers- Specifically the Amur. baylijlibby published on April 30, 2014 Stacked 1/9 Where does the Amur tiger reside? Russia's West Coast Russia's East Coast North Africa South Africa 2/9 How much does the average male Amur tiger weigh? 55 lbs 55 tons 550 lbs 550 tons 3/9 About how much does a tiger eat in one sitting, given that they are hungry? 20 lbs 20 kg 50 lbs 50 kg 4/9 What is a tiger's preferred group to live with? Alone In a group called a "crew" In a group called a "pack" With one other tiger of the opposite sex 5/9 Out of the 8 subspecies of tigers there once were, how many are left? 8 4 2 5 6/9 How many Amur tigers WERE THERE in 1940? 600 2,000 24 900 7/9 How many Amur tigers are left in the world TODAY? 600 400 24 2,000 8/9 What does an Amur tiger's diet consist of? Wild Boar Medium-Sized Deer Any meat they can manage! 9/9 How many tons of meat does a tiger consume in the timespan of one year? 5.5 tons 7.0 tons 7.5 tons 4.0 tons