Candide, Who am I?

Can you guess these characters from Voltaire's Candide? Scorings will be on Blackboard. How did you do?

published on April 08, 2014

I was the man Candide picked as the unhappiest and most disgusted man in the province. I am a poor scholar who had worked ten years for the booksellers of Amsterdam. I have been robbed by my wife, beaten by my son, and deserted by my daughter. I am a Manichee who believes there is more evil than good in the world. Who am I?

Don Fernando

I took Candide in when I saw how poor he looked and was. I gave him a job in my Persian-rug factory. I was never baptized and I am an Anabaptist. I also took poor Pangloss in when he was sick with syphilis. I was drown trying to save another sailor. Who am I?

Lord Pococurante
The Baron

Voltaire portrays me as Gottfried Liebniz in the novel. I am the Candide's mentor. I am a philosopher of optimist. I say a nose was made to place your spectacles on. I contracted syphilis from Paquette.I am Who am I?


I was the one who helped Candide after he escaped being hanged. I lead him to Miss Cunegonde. I have endured a torturous life as a young girl. I was the one who said there is no body in this world who does not have a story of hardships. Who am I?

The Old Woman

I am the beautiful young daughter of the Baron. I was caught kissing Candide. I was raped by the Bulgar army men. I married a governor for his money. I turned very ugly in the end of the story. Who am I?

Old Woman

I am a Venetian Nobleman very rich with a huge palace. I possess classic and intelligent articles of literature, but am far too bored for them. I have many other goods in my palace, but I am not satisfied. Who am I?

Don Isachaar
Lord Pococurante

I am the most choleric Hebrew seen in Israel since the Babylonian captivity. I shared Cunegonde as my mistress with another man. I was killed by Candide. I am a court banker and a man of standing. Who am I?

Grand Inquisitor
Don Issacher

I am one quarter Spanish, son of a half-breed in Tucuman. I had been a choirboy, sacristan, sailor, monk, merchant, soldier, and lackey. I now travel alongside Candide as his servant. Who am I?


I am a naïve man of gentle manners in love with the Baron's daughter. I was booted out of the castle in Westphalia. I traveled all around the world to find my one true love. I was drafted into the army. I am the protagonist. Who am I?

Don Isachaar

We are men dressed in blue uniform. We usually are only 6 foot men. We accepted Candide into our army as one of us. We went to war with another army, destroyed many towns, raped many women, and killed many people. Who are we?

Bulgar Army
Abare Army
Army of Eldorado