Media Literacy Final Exam History of media including Iran, iraq and wars. If you are in media literacy, this quiz is great practice. mckinz23 published on April 08, 2014 Stacked 1/69 What does draft dodgers mean? US citizens move to canada to avoid conforming to US's rules, during the time of the Vietnam war. Football team that showed awareness through media about american and war People that are unaware of the war 2/69 what year was destruction of air flight 655? 1979 1953 1988 3/69 When was the second Iraq war? 2003-2010 2003-2009 2003-2011 4/69 What does hearstrings mean? Making the audience sympansize with the people people are unaware of war One of the biggest protests against war 5/69 How was the saddam Hussein era characterized? Harsh repression against both shi'a and kurds Iron fist Tumultuous era 6/69 What year was axis of evil speech? 2001 2002 2005 7/69 What is not part of the Shah's Reign? The shah was secular and interested in modernizing and westernizing Iran Known as "policeman of the gulf" due to his power and wealth from oil The shah who embarked on several modernizing projects (The white revolution) Possessed a ruthless, american trained secret police called SAVAK. Was a communist This brutality marked the end of his reign 8/69 What sin made hostages into a media spectacle. They were often blindfolded in the media among fierce anti-american crowds Treatment of women Treatment of minorities Terroist supporter Hostage Crisis 9/69 What gases killed thousands during the vietnam war? mustard gas and napalm Napalm and argent orange argent orange and nuclear gas 10/69 Which sin removed a dramatically ellected Iranian prime minister (Mohammad Mossadegh) because he nationalized oil in iran? Westoxication Harbouring the Shah Operation Ajax 11/69 Who is William O. Beeman? Professor of english and media literature at the university of michigan professor of history at the university of michigan professor of cultural studies at the university of minnesota, twin cities professor of anthropology at the university of minnesota, twin cities 12/69 When was the Vietnam war? 1964-1973 1964-1970 1970-1979 13/69 What year was harbouring the shah? 1979 1953 1972 14/69 Who ran the revolution to replace the monarchy? General Ahmed Hassan al-bakr General Saddam Hussein General Abdul Karim Qasim 15/69 Who said; "We can't wait for the final proof-the smoking gun-that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud". Abdul Karim Qasim Saddam Hussein George W. Bush 16/69 What sin implemented severe sanctions against Iran since the mid-1980's? Operation Ajax Axis of Evil Speech Sanctions Westoxication 17/69 The book "chronicals the relationship between united states and iran" employs what? great empire great Sata'n Sata'n empire mad maham 18/69 What happened on February 15th 2003? Largest international protest in history Second Iraq war Operation enduring freedom 19/69 What sin had president bush unionized himself with iran and iraq? Axis of Evil Speech Operation ajax santions Backing Iraq 20/69 What is the official title of Iran? Irania Iraq Republican Republic of Iran 21/69 What is Iraq's Population? 33 million 27 million 30 million 35 million 22 million 22/69 What is not one of Andreas ideas for the main reason of why 9/11 happened? American support for Israel Economic Santions Presence of US troops on sacred Muslim soil Support for corrupt regimes America refused to help Iraq 23/69 Who said "I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one"? Teddy Brown Teddy Roosvelt Teddy Roosevilt 24/69 Which sin had the Shah escape Iran before the return of Khlomeini. The Shah underwent treatment in the US in hopes of prolonging his life. This led to hostage crisis. Backing Iraq Westoxication Harbouring the shah 25/69 When was the last king of the Hashemite dynasty killed? 1960 1952 1958 26/69 What laws did Ayatollah Ruhollah give iran? Laws regarding women Men must join military at age 18 closed newspapers executed dissents implemented blasphemy laws A dress code 27/69 what books did William Beeman not publish about? iran middle east south Asia china japan africa 28/69 What happened between (1980-1988)? United states brought troops over to fight in iraq A war against vietnam and iran a war against iran and iraq 29/69 What year did Ahmed hassan al-bakr become president and his cousin saddam hussein become vice president? 1963 1968 1952 30/69 What happened in 1990? Annexed Kuwait, but was pushed back to iraq Saddam went to the united states to propose a deal Iraq discovered a new nuclear weapon 31/69 Today, how many Afgans and Canadians have been killed? 2,000 Afgans and 158 Canadians 400 Afgans and 200 Canadians 1,500 Afgans adn 48 Canadians 32/69 Which sin recongizes jadism, christainity, and americans. They do not recongize the largest non-islamics. Treatment of minorities Treatment of women Hostage crisis 33/69 According to Addicted to war, the government spent how much of its total income on the military? 51% 67% 33% 34/69 Iraq is composed of what two ethnic groups? Muslims and arabs Arabs and Kurds Ayrans and Shi's 35/69 Which sin poses serious threat towards americans because of their nuclear weapons? Treatment of minorities Nuclear Proliferation Treatment of supporters 36/69 What system is Iran based on? greita Velayat-e faqih cleric 37/69 What is true during the vietnam war? South was democratic, north was communist North was communist, south was democratic Neither 38/69 What is Blowback (CIA term)? Knowledge of reasons for retaliation without letting the public know America has the right to launch any preemptive attacks against opposing powers Music is used to emphasize the ominous atmosphere of the content of 9/11 39/69 What is the literacy rate in iraq? 74% 72% 70% 72.5% 67.8% 40/69 What does Persepolis mean? US citizens move to canada to avoid conforming to US's rules The slaughter of native tribes Persian city 41/69 What is Bush Doctrine? Music is used to emphasize the ominous atmosphere of the content of 9/11 Knowledge of reasons for retaliation without letting the public know America has the right to launch any preemptive attacks against opposing powers 42/69 When did the Hashemite dynasty rule? 1958-1998 1921-1958 1926-1960 43/69 When was the Saddam Hussein Era? 1978-1999 1977-2002 1979-2003 44/69 How many American soldiers died in the Vietnam war? 60,000 300,000 50,000 45/69 What is not one of the sins committed by Iran that greatly concern the united states? Hostage crisis Terrorist Supporter Treatment of women Treatment of minorities Country invasion Nuclear proliferation 46/69 which sin has the media produce several powerful and popular expressions? Hint: "Not without my daughter". Terrorist supporter Hostage crisis Treatment of minorities Treatment of women 47/69 What is not consisted in the Robinson Policy Model? If a governments policy is known on an issue, the media will largely report that If a governments policy is not known on an issue, the media will not use any content on it If a governments policy is not known on an issue, the media will report on what it likes 48/69 Who made the term; "military-industrial complex"? George Bush Muhammad Ali President Dwight Eisenhower 49/69 What is not an American sin according to Beeman? Westoxication Operation Ajax Harbouring the shah Manipulation Backing Iraq Destruction of air flight 50/69 Why we fight techniques? Knowledge of reasons for retaliation without letting the public know America has the right to launch any preemptive attacks against opposing powers Music is used to emphasize the ominous atmosphere of the content of 9/11 51/69 what year was sanctions? 2002 1988 1984-present 1984 52/69 Why was saddam possed dangerous during the Iraq war? Weapons of mass destruction Nuclear Weapons More troops 53/69 When was the Republican era? 1958-1963 1958-1964 1952-1963 54/69 What is popular among the countries founders/early leaders? Sweetheart deals Illustrated Expose Manifest destiny 55/69 General abdul Karim Qasim did what? Implemented argarian reforms that helped the landless poor He was against the sweetheart deals on oil He implemented laws that helped women, relating polygamy, divorce, and inheritance Both a and b Both b and c All of the above 56/69 Who was the last shah (king) of iran? Shah reign William O. Beeman Pahlavi Dynasty 57/69 What year was backing iraq? 1980-88 1979-88 1953-62 58/69 What percent of Iraq is muslim? 82 27 97 59/69 What is the capital of Iran? Baghdad(5 million people) Sunni Tehran( 8 million people) Baghdad (8 million people) 60/69 What sin influences the population to embrace crass materialism and progressive attitudes? Could be seen in iran's media. Operation Ajax Westoxication Backing Iraq 61/69 What is the population of Iran? 35 million 47 million 77 million 62/69 What year was sin: Operation Ajax 1953 1979 1980-1988 63/69 Who is Joel andreas? A social motivator that expressed the uneeded use of war. associate professor of sociology at John Hopkins University in Baltimore Professor at Harvard of sociology. wrote addicted to war (2004) Both b and c both a and c 64/69 When is the war of terrorism? 2001-2011 2001-present 1999-present 65/69 which sin had the american believe that iran supports several terrorist groups? Hostage crisis Terrorist supporter treatment of minorities 66/69 When was the Ba'athist era? 1962-1973 1982-1989 1963-1979 67/69 What is the percentage of Muslims in Iran? 97 53 82 98 68/69 What is the capital of Iraq? Hussein Kaghid Baghdad 69/69 which sin was believed that the Klomeini regime was weak and would quickly collapse following an invasion. Backing Iraq Destruction of Air Flight 655 Operation Ajax