do you know harry potter (1) This quiz will show if you really know harry potter or don't know very much mowen published on April 07, 2014 Stacked 1/7 What does harry use to sneak to hogsmead His wand Disguise Invisibility cloak He doesn't he's good 2/7 In what movie does giant chess appear first 1st movie 2 nd movie 3 rd movie 4 th movie 5 th movie 6 th movie 7 th movie 8 th movie 3/7 What's was harry potters mom and dads name Jasmine james Lily james Tulip jacob Lily jacob 4/7 In what movie does cedric diggery die 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5/7 What's hermoine grangers real name ( please don't cheat) Emma goose Emaraled swan Emma swan ELly goose 6/7 What's ron weaslys real name Ron grint Rupert green Ron green Rupert grint 7/7 What's harry potters real name Daniel cliff Dan cliff Daniel radcliffe Dan radcliffe