how well do you know OneReapublics songs? hard If you want to test your self on how well you know their songs from all 3 albums the this is your quiz! ponyzx published on April 06, 2014 Stacked 1/9 which song has the lyrics " and it feels so real from the out side looking in" Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 2/9 which years did they release albums Hint: 3 choices 2007 2003 2012 2004 2006 2013 2009 3/9 which album is "all this time" from waking up native dreaming out loud this isn't one of their songs! 4/9 which of these songs are not onerepublic songs Hint: 2 choices mercy time tics again i lived your worth more then gold everybody loves me feel again 5/9 who is their lead singer Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 6/9 what is on the cover of the dreaming out loud album Hint: 2 choices a moon a tree a cat a bush the band nothing the cover is completely black 7/9 which song has the lyric "and right on time" secrets waking up missing persons 1 & 2 all the right moves 8/9 which song has the lyric "dreaming out loud " that is not the song "dreaming out loud" stop and stare all we are come home say (all i need) 9/9 what was Onerepublics first album? Native Dreaming out loud Waking up