Do you know Qfeast? Do you know random facts about Qfeast and it's greatest users? (sorry if you aren't included or if you don't like it) Abstract_Fairy published on March 26, 2014 Stacked 1/5 What is the very first quiz? Chat with Niall Quiz What color are you? What is your personality? 2/5 Who won the writing award in 2013, even though it was her debut year, and by what book? Bmac99: Invisible, Taking Chances Celest_Stories: the Coming From books Number1Arianator: when Little Mix and Ariana Grande are cloned 3/5 When is Qfeast's b-day? (month, day number) Type answer. Hint: 11 characters 4/5 What is the current username of the person who was MagicWings? Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 5/5 Who's followers are Turtle Army? Hint: 2 choices thatsssanicewebsssiteyouhavethere Quartz_Mudkip Flutters Bmac99 misspopularandbeautiful